Our Favorite Sensory Tools

You know that feeling of pride you get when you’ve engaged your little in something (other than a screen!) that keeps their attention for longer than 2 minutes? It’s glorious. At our house, a sure-fire way to engage both my 4 year old and almost 2 year old is a sensory bin– a container filled with things that help your kiddos explore, learn and play.

Read more about the benefits of sensory play here!

Today we are talking all about sensory bin tools. Whether you’re a pro at sensory bins or just getting started, come along as I share my kids’ favorite tools. These tools make the adventure even more amazing. 

I find some of the best tools by saving jars. Like this leaf jar that had maple syrup in it! So pay attention to what you are recyclying!

Anything that squirts is a hit in water sensory bins. These plastic condiment bottles are a fav.

Different types of shovels, scoops, and measuring cups. 

Eye droppers, “squeezers,” whatever you call them are great for developing fine motor skills!

Spoons, shovels, rakes, and whisks are all important tools for every type of bin.

Tweezers and tongs are not all created equal. They all have different levels of difficulty. We have found the wooden tweezer to be the easiest when a child is new to using them.

Funnels and strainers!


Just getting started with sensory bins? This was one of the first sets of tools I purchased to use in a bin with black beans.

You do not NEED to buy anything to create perfect sensory bins for your kids. You can probably find the above items or something similar in your kitchen cupboards at home. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking it has to be beautiful and perfect. They’re toddlers, so even if the bin starts that way, it definitely won’t end that way. With whatever tools they have, just ask yourself, “Are they exploring and having fun?” If the answer is yes, it’s a win Mama. 

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