Learning to Write: A Guide to Your Toddler’s Pre-Writing Adventure

Hey parents! As a fellow mom juggling a toddler and a preschooler, I get the hustle and bustle. Today, we’re diving into the world of scribbles, lines, and all things that set the stage for the exciting journey of learning to write. As a first-grade teacher turned reading specialist, I’m here to sprinkle a bit of magic on pre-writing skills and make it a breeze for you and your little one.

Early Childhood Development

Let’s kick things off where it all begins – early childhood development is the backstage prep for a fantastic show. Those little fingers are gearing up for a grand adventure! As your little explorer takes on the world, those tiny fingers aren’t just grabbing toys; they’re becoming superheroes, strengthening fine motor skills, mastering the hand-eye coordination dance, and getting a grip (literally!) for those magical first letters.

The Journey to Writing

Kids don’t start with masterpieces; it’s a step-by-step masterpiece in the making. From scribbles and lines to doodles, they’re on a journey. It’s like learning to dance – starting with the baby steps of lines, then shapes until they’re twirling with letters confidently. Check out the image below for a peek at the cool prewriting lines journey.

Activities That Support Learning to Write

Now, let’s roll up our sleeves for some hands-on fun that won’t add to your already busy schedule. These are activities that sneakily boost pre-writing skills while keeping the smiles intact.

Sensory Play with Rice or Pasta:

Turn your kitchen into a mini excavation site! Fill a tray with rice or pasta, hide small treasures, and let your little archaeologist dig in. It’s not just fun; it’s a sneaky way to sharpen those fine motor skills. Read more about sensory play here.

Playdough Magic:

Grab some vibrant playdough or whip up your own – it’s time for a playdough party! Squish, roll, and mold the dough into shapes; it’s like a mini gym for their fingers, and they’ll have a blast creating tiny masterpieces.

Stringing Beads:

Who said learning can’t be stylish? Stringing beads not only results in funky accessories but also sharpens their coordination skills. It’s like crafting with a bonus boost for their little hands. (Maddie loves these, Annabelle loves these for bracelet making and stringing on pipe cleaners!)

Tracing and Coloring Adventures:

Transform simple lines and shapes into a colorful canvas! Let your child trace and color to their heart’s content. It’s a creative journey that hones hand-eye coordination and introduces the world of letters. Check out our Prewriting Skills Bundle in our Etsy shop!

Learning to Write Letters:

Did you know that occupational therapists suggest teaching kids to write letters based on the order they learn lines and shapes rather than in alphabetical order? After kids are able to draw the type of line that makes up each letter, they are ready to trace it! Check out our Prewriting Skills and Capital Letter Learning Bundle in our Etsy shop! The letter order is aligned to the order recommended by occupational therapists.

Sandpaper Letters:

Add a tactile twist to learning with sandpaper letters (these are the ones we have!). Your child can feel the rough texture while tracing the letters, adding a sensory dimension to their ABC adventure.

Letter Hunt and Match:

Who says learning can’t be a treasure hunt? Hide letter cards, and let the searching and matching begin. It’s a game that boosts recognition skills and keeps them on their toes.

To wrap it up, remember, this parenting gig is a marathon, not a sprint. Your little one is on a pre-writing adventure, and you’re the cheering squad. Celebrate the scribbles, the lines, and every step towards that magical world of writing.

Parents, you’re rockstars! Dive into these activities, share some giggles, and savor the moments. Your involvement unlocks a world of possibilities for your toddler’s bright future. 

Happy writing, and embrace every scribble-filled moment! 🌈🖍️